Peggy’s War focuses on the child’s perspective during war, despite the story being told by an elderly woman it really represents children, with a slightly reflective feeling. I’ve animated it so that it’s from the child’s perspective, the camera is generally at the child’s eye level, like when she’s peering through the tanks during the convoys. The shots appear almost flat, looking at the character straight-on, and often centred, like when Peggy is walking to school she is in exact profile to the audience. I probably took more inspiration from the cinematographer Robert Yeoman, rather than any of the short films I have watched. If it isn’t it’s due to fear, like when the V-1 Rocket is flying over, or they’re looking out into the rubble. I also make it clear that the child is the focus through the costume and hair, I did research to see what children would wear during WW2, using mise-en-scene to create accuracy rather than entertainment. The character expression is also representative ...