
There aren't really many props that are interacted with in my film, and there isn't a need for them within the sets as I have chosen to make simplistic backgrounds so not to distract from the characters too much. Whilst in the underground shelter Peggy's mum brings down an enamel jug of coffee and enamel mugs are present too, some of which are being held by the people singing. Other props that are interacted with include a stone, a dead bird, and suit cases. Some props are also shown on the screen by themselves, isolated in the blank monotone canvas, these are the props like gas masks, jam sandwiches, bombs, bullets etc. The enamel jug reappears in one of these shots too. I used reference images found on Ecosia image search for all of my props except for the suitcases.

Other larger props are cars, buses, lorries, and tanks, most notably present in the convoy that would stop Peggy from getting to school in the morning.

Most of the props being used are mentioned by my nan in the interview, and therefore essential. There are a couple I added in like the suitcases to make a point or add to the appearance and meaning of a character.


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