
The setting is where a scene takes place, or the type of surroundings something is taking place in. It can add context to a film, and inform the audience of the character's situation without directly having dialogue describing it, or any text doing so either. The setting is also when the film is set, many things can point toward an era, whether it's text at the bottom of the screen, or the mise-en-scene, the outfits being worn and the props are all pointers to the time.

My piece is set throughout London, mostly Chiswick, and a little outside of London when the children were evacuated. I'm not travelling to these places as I don't need to film in them, only to partially illustrate them. For the most part it wont be hugely clear where my film is set, other than what's conveyed in the narration, and when there is an establishing shot, like of Chiswick House or a silhouetted skyline. Many of the scenes don't even need a background or a setting for them to make sense, so I plan to have a blank, monotone background. The focus only needs to be on the foreground and characters, nothing else.

Despite this I will need to make the setting apparent at times, not only where they are, but when. I may draw out the town behind my main character - Peggy (My nan at age 6), but they wont be complex so not to mess with the style. I'll include posters from the time, propaganda is something that truly declares which era it's from, simply by the style, and the message they're sending, like "make do and mend", provide for your family, or "women of Britain, go to the factories". I could also include references to the damages brought on by the Blitz, the bombing of London caused a lot of death and destruction, which is something I should really make apparent.


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